A roof collapse in Holden, Massachusetts, lead to the evacuation of a shopping plaza on Monday. No one was injured, but those stores remain closed as crews survey the damage.
According to the fire department, a handful of workers were up on the roof of the shopping plaza clearing snow when they realized the roof was beginning to collapse around 1:15 p.m. They were all able to get down safely.
The entire shopping plaza on Reservoir Street was evacuated. The fire department says the majority of damage is at the Dollar Tree store. They say part of the roof did collapse and is still buckling- the roof is sagging down to the level of store shelves.
A structural engineer is now evaluating the situation, but the fire department says it does appear the damage is snow-related.
The fire department says it is unlikely the Dollar Tree will be able to reopen Monday. It is unclear if and when the other stores in the plaza will reopen.