Veteran Boston Meteorologist Gets Lost in Orchard

(NECN: Eileen Curran, Stow, MA) - For the second time this month, a couple has gotten lost at a Massachusetts farm and has called 911 for help. This time the couple didn’t get lost in a corn maze, but in an apple orchard, and one of them is a familiar face to Boston weather watchers.

“It’s my wife’s fault, she was wrong,” joked Mark Rosenthal of Newton, Ma.

The veteran Boston weather guy and his wife Marcia were picking apples Saturday at the Honey Pot Hill Orchard in Stow, Ma. They apparently wandered off the beaten path and couldn't find their way back.

“We walked and we walked and we could not find the parking lot,” said Rosenthal.  We circled the orchards and it started to get dark. Being a weather guy, I could feel the temperature going down, it was probably about 48 (degrees),” he said.

Rosenthal’s wife wanted to call 911--Mark didn’t, but that didn’t matter.

“Stow police recorded line,” said the dispatcher on the 911 tape.

 “Yeah, we’re at Honey Pot Orchards and we can’t find our way out,” said Marcia Rosenthal.

Stow Police dispatched two cruisers to the orchard and called the owner, who seemed a bit surprised.

“You say somebody’s lost in the orchard?” he asked the dispatcher.

The owner started to search the farm, meanwhile Rosenthal got on the line with the dispatcher.

“I’m sorry about this,” he said.  “We feel like idiots. We’ve been walking around trying to get out of here.

To which the dispatcher replied, “Absolutely no problem.”

Police told owner Andrew Martin the description Rosenthal had given them of where they were.

“Primarily they said they were in an open field which didn’t mean anything, we have a number of them,” said Martin. “(Then) they said near a building with a school group check in sign.”

Martin knew just where to find them and brought them back to their car about a half mile away.

“We asked owner how many people get lost per year, he said none,” said Rosenthal. “We feel like idiots.”

Martin admits to being surprised Rosenthal of all people got lost.

“Weathermen are supposed to know which way is north how to find their way out...but that’s ok it happens to the best of us,” he said.

So Rosenthal and his wife took their bag of apples home, perhaps to make a humble pie. Mark has this biting remark.

“I’m never going apple picking again.”

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