Maria Sansone

Can Moms Do It All?

NBC Universal, Inc.

Are you trying to crush it at everything: playing with your kids while tackling work; getting laundry done and lunches made while the baby is crying? It’s much easier said then done. Mattie James, entrepreneur and Mom of three, chats with Mom2Mom’s Maria Sansone about how you can be ALL-IN every day.

Are you trying to do it all? Playing with your kids and crushing it at work? How about getting laundry down and lunches made while the baby is crying? Yup, we hear you. It's much easier said then done.

Mattie James, Entrepreneur and Mom of three, chats with Maria Sansone about how you can be ALL IN in every area of your life with one simple thing: focus on one at a time.

Mattie hosts a Masterclass called Pitch Please and encourages women to ask for what they want and find success in building their own business.

For more on Mattie, her blog and business, check it out here.

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