
Maine CDC: Nearly 500 Coronavirus Cases in State

Ten Maine residents have so far died from COIVD-19

Maine CDC Director Dr. Nirav Shah on April 2, 2020

Maine health officials on Monday announced 29 new coronavirus cases since the previous day, bringing the total number of cases to 499.

In a briefing, Dr. Nirav Shah, director of the Maine Center for Disease Control, said 10 residents had died of COVID-19 so far. Ninety-two people had been hospitalized at some point, he said.

The Maine CDC has fielded more than 4,300 consults for coronavirus tests, according to Shah.

Over the next few days, Maine health officials will focus on distributing personal protective equipment to high-risk facilities such as nursing homes, specialized care centers and assisted living centers. PPE has been in short supply for medical professionals across the country.

Shah praised healthcare workers across the state.

"This is a situation that entails recognizing the risk, and continuing to charge into the front lines because it’s the right thing to do,” he said.

"I want to tell you that we recognize the risk you are taking, and we commend you for your courage."

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