New Hampshire

Staffer for NH Gov. Sununu Tests Positive for Coronavirus

Sununu was “not determined to be a close contact of the individual” but is monitoring for any symptoms

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A staffer at New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu’s office has tested positive for the coronavirus, the administration said Monday.

Sununu’s office said the staffer tested positive Monday but had not been on the premises since last Wednesday.

The staffer came down with a fever on Thursday and immediately began to quarantine. Contact tracers deemed only one person within the State House to be a close contact and ordered that person to quarantine.  

Sununu was “not determined to be a close contact of the individual,” the administration said, adding the governor and his staff would monitor themselves for symptoms.  

The staffer was “feeling fine” despite the diagnosis, Sununu’s office said.

“Transparency is paramount in public health crises, and this instance is no exception” Sununu said in a statement. “Like many workplaces across the state and country, the State House is not immune. I would like to thank the member of my team for immediately quarantining and following all public health guidance, and wish them good health as they recover from COVID-19."

All commonly touched surfaces will be sanitized, the office said.  

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