Crayola Crayon Maker: Does It Work?

(NECN: Leslie Gaydos) - Do you have bits and pieces of broken crayons filling up a box in your kids room? There is a product promising to give those old crayons new life.

It's the "Crayola Crayon Maker," which promises to turn your crushed used crayons into swirly new ones.

The device is for ages 8 and up, and it makes new crayons by melting the used ones and placing them into molders. It comes with everything, but you need to provide a 60-watt bulb to heat the unit. The directions say to only use Crayola crayons because melting times may vary.

After melting and cooling, the whole process takes about a half hour. While it's not fast, there's something to be said for a toy that doesn't deliver instant gratification.

While it's fun, it's not cheap. The toy costs about $29.99. Yes, you can buy a cheaper box of new crayons for a few dollars, but then you miss out on all that family bonding fun when everyone comes together to watch the melting process work its magic.

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