Framingham Superintendent Responds to School Controversy

(NECN: Alysha Palumbo, Framingham, Mass.) - As Framingham High School, its students, staff, administration and parents continue to wrestle with allegations that the district didn't do enough to discipline a senior football player for allegedly sexually assaulting two female students last school year, Superintendent Dr. Stacy Scott sat down with NECN to explain what he could about the situation and the fallout from it.

"It's very important that when students allege concerns that we take it with the full seriousness that it's brought to us with," he said.

Dr. Stacy Scott was not the superintendent of the Framingham School District when a then high school junior football player allegedly sexually assaulted two different female students two months apart last year. But he is dealing with the criticism of the district's handling of the incidents.

Dr. Scott says while confidentiality and privacy concerns prevent him from going into detail, he believes the responses to the alleged assaults were effective.

"In this situation procedures were followed carefully, our administrators are very fastidious about making sure that they do the appropriate things necessary to engage law enforcement where a crime or serious concern has been raised and to respond with what seems to be appropriate discipline at the time," he said.

There was a criminal investigation after the first alleged sexual assault, but no charges were filed and the school took no disciplinary action.

After the second alleged incident, the student was suspended for five days, but allowed to play football this past season -- a decision that angered some students and parents.

On Tuesday Framingham High School parent Sheree King said, "A few people are worried about, and I quote, ruining his career."

Also on Tuesday, Framingham High School Football Captain Greg Hicks said, "This is just unacceptable, being a student, being a student athlete, I'm appalled."

Dr. Scott says he wants to assure the community that the degree of punishment was appropriate and the allegations were thoroughly investigated.

"We take them very seriously and would not allow someone to continue with privileges and existence in this school if the allegations as reported were substantiated," he said.

In response to calls for the resignation of High School Principal Michael Welch and Varsity Football Coach Gary Doherty, Dr. Scott says he stands behind their decisions in this case.

"I believe that they followed appropriate procedures," Dr. Scott said, "I have full confidence in their ability to continue to manage their building and their programs effectively."

We reached out to former Framingham Superintendent Steven Hiersche and he did not return our calls seeking comment.

Meanwhile, Dr. Scott says he has convened meetings to review the district's policies and procedures and make sure the language in the student handbook is clear that there is zero tolerance for sexual abuse.

He said there is also an ongoing legal review to make sure the district is in line with Title IX practices and meeting federal Department of Education standards.

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