Federal Prosecutor Setting Up Election Day Hotline

New Hampshire's top federal prosecutor is setting up an Election Day hotline to field reports of voter fraud and voting rights violations.

New Hampshire's top federal prosecutor is setting up an Election Day hotline to field reports of voter fraud and voting rights violations.

U.S. Attorney John Kacavas said his office will continue the Department of Justice's longstanding Election Day program to deter fraud, discrimination and intimidation at the polls.

He said he has appointed assistant U.S. Attorney Mark Zuckerman to serve as the district's Election Day officer.

Kacavas said federal law sanctions numerous election-related crimes including intimidating or bribing voters, buying or selling votes, stuffing ballot boxes, altering vote tallies and marking ballots for voters against their wishes.

He said federal law protects the rights of voters to mark their own ballots or be assisted by a person of their choice.

Kacavas said the Election Day hotline number is 603-230-2503.

Copyright The Associated Press
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