Some residents in New Hampshire have another virus to worry about other than the coronavirus.
State health officials are warning about the first confirmed case this year of Jamestown Canyon Virus identified in Loudon.
The virus is transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito. The illness is usually mild and starts with flu-like symptoms like a fever and muscle aches. If it goes untreated, it can develop into a more serious nervous system disease including meningitis. In some cases, it’s caused fatal infections.
Authorities say the Loudon resident with JCV is an adult who had to be hospitalized for severe neurological symptoms but is now at home recovering.
This is the first mosquito-borne disease in the state this year and only the tenth case of JCV since it was first detected in New Hampshire back in 2013.
“It just sounds like another curveball 2020 is throwing at us honestly,” said Joshua Scarponi who lives in Canterbury, New Hampshire, which is right next to Loudon.
First COVID-19. Now Jamestown Canyon. So, grab your mask, and pack your bug spray next to your hand sanitizer as you head out the door this summer.
“I’m just going to get used to the new normal, which is now going to include being a little more cautious about mosquitos,” said Loudon resident Marlene Friedrich.
Officials are warning there’s also the risk of contracting more common mosquito-borne illnesses like EEE and West Nile.
The rare and potentially deadly mosquito-borne virus eastern equine encephalitis was detected in Massachusetts for the first time in 2020, state health officials said Friday, noting that it was "early in the year" for it.