Maria Sansone

How One Local Mom Set Out to Diversify Your Child's Bookshelf

NBC Universal, Inc.

How diverse is your kid’s bookshelf? One local mom found that her options were limited when trying to find a book that didn’t “other” her culture. So, she decided to solve the problem herself and launched Mango and Marigold Press. Maria Sansone recently caught up with the mom boss to learn more.

Take a look at your child's bookshelf? What's on it? Chances are there are a lot of books about trucks and trains or ballerinas and bunnies.

But how many kids of color are represented? How many kids or heroes of different backgrounds?

Local mom Sailaja Joshi realized there weren't that many books on her own shelves, and she didn't want to marginalize her own culture.

She decided to do something about it and started Mango and Marigold Press.

Maria Sansone caught up with Joshi about the mission and what books are offered. Watch above for more.

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