
Montville Student Who Experienced Symptoms Similar to Coronavirus Cleared to Return to School

A microscopic view of the coronavirus.
NBC 5 News

A Montville student who was being monitored after experiencing symptoms similar to those of coronavirus following a recent return from China has been cleared to return to school, according to school officials.

Don Macrino, the headmaster of the Saint Bernard School, said the student traveled to China over winter break and returned in early January.

When the student began showing respiratory symptoms, their school nurse reached out to the local health department, knowing the student had been in China. The student went to the emergency room and was kept overnight out of an abundance of caution, Macrino said.

Macrino said Wednesday that he cannot share attendance information, but the student in question was released and cleared to return to school.

Symptoms of Coronavirus

Symptoms of coronavirus can include fever, cough and shortness of breath, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and can present in as few as two days or as many as 14 days after exposure. Some people infected present no or minor symptoms, while others have fallen severely ill and died.

U.S. health officials and the State Department are advising residents to avoid any non-essential travel to China amid an outbreak in Hubei Province that has killed more than 100 people.

The CDC says while coronavirus is a serious public health threat, it is unclear how much of an effect it might have in the US.

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