New Hampshire

Officials Expect Summer Tourism Rebound In New Hampshire

Summer is typically the busiest season for tourism in the state

Joe Sohm/Visions of America/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

State Capitol of New Hampshire, Concord

New Hampshire officials expect spending on summer tourism to rebound to near 2019 levels.

The state Division of Travel and Tourism Development is predicting there will be nearly 3.5 million visitors to New Hampshire this summer, with spending reaching $1.8 billion.

Summer is typically the busiest season for tourism in the state. Last summer, visitation dropped 15% because of the pandemic. But officials expect a rebound based on pent-up demand for travel and the state’s high vaccination rate, strong economy and tourism assets.

The state is launching a summer advertising campaign targeting Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina and Ohio, said Lori Harnois, state tourism director. She said the emphasis will be on hiking, boating, camping and family fun.

“We expect this to be a summer of discovery and rediscovery for visitors,” said Harnois. “Our message is to come, explore everything we have to offer, and Discover Your New in New Hampshire.”

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