PBR ‘Hard Coffee' Now Available in Massachusetts

There’s a whole lot of buzz around a new beverage in Maine: Pabst Blue Ribbon’s hard coffee.

Pabst Blue Ribbon's new "Hard Coffee" drink, which flew off the shelves when it first went on sale there last summer, is now available in Massachusetts and all other New England states.

The drink hit stores this past week and will be available throughout the state by the end of the month.

"We had a very successful test launch in select markets and have decided to launch it nationally this month after Maine stores struggled to keep in in stock," said Ryan Sheehan, Greater Boston sales manager for Pabst Brewing Company.

He said response to the product has been "overwhelmingly positive" so far. Stock will be limited to start, but he said production should be fully up to speed by the summer.

The product launched on a test basis in Maine last July, and stores said they had trouble keeping it in stock, with one store owner calling it "the hottest item of the summer."

Pabst Blue Ribbon's website says the drink is "made with rich, creamy milk and vanilla flavor," and has an ABV of 5%. There's also a map that shows you where you can buy it.

Editors at Food & Wine tried out the new beverage, and said it reminded them of Baileys or Kahlua. Others have likened it to Dunkin' or Starbucks coffee with alcohol added.

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