
Rare blue lobster found in Portland on Thursday

New England Aquarium

A local lobsterman brought in a rare blue lobster to Free Range Fish & Lobster in Portland, Maine on Thursday afternoon, according to News Center Maine.

One of the workers described the lobster caught by Shawn Kaside as a “jewel.”

"Most of the other colors are a lot of calicos, and a lot of di-colored ones, so it would be like regular color and then yellow on the other half and we get a lot of blue-tinged ones around the joints, but nothing this shocking," said Vince Carbajal to News Center Maine.

He assured the blue lobster will be kept safe at the market until it is sent to the Gulf of Maine Research Institute nearby

According to the Lobster Institute at the University of Maine, the odds of finding a blue lobster are about 1 in 200 million.

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