Rhode Island

RI seeks federal funding to repair Newport Cliff Walk

The estimated cost to repair Newport's Cliff Walk is estimated at $14 million

City Manager Joe Nicholson, left, and Public Services Director Bill Riccio review damage along the historic Cliff Walk, Tuesday, March 15, 2022, in Newport, R.I. A roughly 30-foot section of the walk crumbled into the sea last week, leaving officials to ponder whether to rebuild or let if continue to fall into the ocean.
Charles Krupa/AP

Rhode Island Gov. Dan McKee has issued a declaration of disaster emergency to secure federal funding for the restoration of Newport’s iconic Cliff Walk.

Last year, a section of the popular attraction collapsed due to erosion and severe weather, leading to its indefinite closure. 

“Newport’s Cliff Walk is one of Rhode Island’s top attractions, drawing over a million visitors per year. The collapse and the partial closure could cause significant harm to Newport tourism, a top driver of the local economy,” McKee said in a press release. 

A Babson college student is taking the region by storm after he and his brother with Autism launched a clothing line for people who are on the spectrum.

The closed area is at risk of further erosion and collapse, jeopardizing public safety, McKee said. 

In pursuit of $10 million in federal disaster relief funding, the governor said he has instructed the state Department of Transportation to collaborate with Newport. 

The estimated cost to repair this cherished tourist destination is approximately $14 million.

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