Getting healthier in 2023 shouldn’t require fancy gym memberships, tons of equipment, or expensive meal plans.
Celebrity fitness trainer and wellness expert Joey Thurman is all about getting maximum results with minimum effort.
In his newly released book 'The Minimum Method,' he hopes readers find a sense of calm and embrace small changes as they make progress in their wellness journey.
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First, add some exercise snacks to your routine. No, not that kind of snack. Thurman suggests short bursts of activity, like a brisk power walk after a meal to get your body - and digestive system-- moving.
Thurman says another way to add movement into your busy schedule is a 7-minute workout. The first 6 minutes should focus on intense work, like walking up a hill, running, or squats. Wrap up the workout with a 1-minute cooldown.
Finally, Thurman suggests embracing the colder weather in New England with outdoor activities to help raise the metabolic rate.
Watch above for the full Hub Today segment with Thurman.
For more information about "The Minimum Method" and more fitness tips follow Joey on social @joeythurmanfit.
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