Police Investigating After Woman's Body Found in Westford

Westford police are investigating after a 38-year-old Springfield woman's body was discovered off Providence Road.

According to the Middlesex District Attorney's Office, police responded to the area of 104 Providence Road for a report of a body located on the side of the road just after 11:40 a.m. Saturday. 

Upon arrival, police found the body of an adult female.

All of the police activity has neighbors curious and concerned.

"It's a little frightening... People are going to be on high alert," Adhithi Narayanai, a resident in the area, said. "Pretty anxious to find out more details."

The District Attorney's Office says the death is being treated as suspicious and the woman was not dressed in appropriate clothing for the cold temperatures.

According to officials, the investigation remains active, but they have not yet determined whether there was any foul play.

The woman has been identified, but the district attorney's office said they are not releasing her name at this time.

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