
Here Are the New Massachusetts Exit Numbers

In preparation for the major change MassDot will be holding 12 information meetings open to the public in the coming months.

On Monday, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation announced the new exit sign system, based on mileage, that will be rolled out over the next few years.

The project will begin in late summer next year and be completed by 2022.

The Federal Highway Administration is requiring all interstates and freeways to implement this new mileage based exit sign system.

MassDOT said the new system will be more driver friendly allowig people to figure out the distances to destinations quicker and calculating mileage faster.

"Old Exit" signs which will have yellow background and black lettering will be up for at least two years after the new exits are designated.

In preparation for the major change, MassDOT will be holding 12 informational meetings open to the public in the coming months. The first will be held on Dec. 9 at 6:30 p.m. in Northampton. On Dec. 11, there will be a 6:30 p.m. meeting in Lenox. Here is the full list.

These images show the change in exit numbers on Massachusetts highways.

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