It was a violent weekend in New Haven. Multiple shootings left three people hurt, including a 26-year-old woman who later died.
It was a violent weekend in New Haven.
Multiple shootings left three people hurt, including a 26-year-old woman who later died.
“No life should be lost,” said Mayor Justin Elicker, D – New Haven.
Police say Tayna Rodriguez was struck on Saltonstall Avenue early Sunday morning.
“Two individuals that got into a dispute and what it seems is the woman got in between that and unfortunately got hit and tragically lost her life,” said Elicker.
Investigators say they arrested Leon Guerrero for murder.
Around the same time, officers say a woman was hit by a bullet after watching drivers do stunts in the parking lot of Lowe’s on Foxon Boulevard.
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Gunfire on Saturday evening hit a man, as well as two homes and three cars on Huntington Avenue and Dixwell Avenue.
“We want to change the culture around using a gun to settle the score. However, you know, people have to help us out, you know, there are just too many guns out there,” said Leonard Jahad, Connecticut Violence Intervention Program.
Jahad says amid concerns shootings could increase in the summer his group is working with other organizations to reach those at risk of being victimized or perpetating violence.
He says he’s been doing more mediation than ever.
“We find that we do that there's no resulting violence after. People just need a forum where they can talk, when they can, you know, get things out, you know, and again in a safe, controlled environment,” said Jahad.
New Haven has had nine homicides so far this year.
The mayor says they are implementing a multi-prong strategy to help reduce violence.
“Overall our trends are going down in the city,” said Elicker.
The other two people shot this weekend are expected to survive.
Anyone with information about the cases is asked to reach out to police.