N.H. Residents Report Mountain Lion Sighting

A southern New Hampshire neighborhood believes a mountain lion is roaming the woods near their homes.

A southern New Hampshire neighborhood believes a mountain lion is roaming the woods near their homes.

"We see a lot of animals around here - deer, turkey all kinds - but this felt different, and when I looked, you could really see it was a huge cat," Cheryl Holbert said.

Holbert says she saw the animal while walking near her Derry home.

"I turned around very quickly and got out of there," she said.

Soon, she learned through an online message board that other people in the neighborhood had also seen it.

"Earlier that day someone had said, they just left initials, that not far off into the Berry Woods," a mountain lion had been seen, Holbert said.

Shane Pelletier, who lives in Windham sent necn pictures of the animal's paw prints. He and a neighbor both saw the animal.

But those who called the New Hampshire Fish and Game officer were told the last time a mountain lion was seen in the state was in the 1850s, and it's unlikely they have made a return.

Other neighbors who did not want to go on camera said they believe it's a bobcat.

"If wasn't a mountain lion, it sure looks exactly like one," Holbert said.

Necn reached out to the New Hampshire Department of Fish and Game, but the neighbors here say they don't want the animal harmed, just want it relocated. 

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