
Marianne Williamson's ‘Psychic Force' Will Be Missed

Williamson lagged in the polls but grabbed top billing on social media

Marianne Williamson in Los Angeles’s Historic Broadway Theater District on Sunday, Nov. 5, 2017.

Marianne Williamson, the self-help book author and spiritual adviser who vowed to create a Cabinet-level Department of Peace, announced Friday that she had suspended her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Williamson often got more attention for her colorful moments during the Democratic debates than as a top-tier contender with a shot at winning the primary. Still, her memorable quotes became memes on Twitter and elsewhere. Supporters embraced her off-beat style.

Here are a few of the moments that made waves.

June 19, 2019

Vaccinations Controversy

In New Hampshire, Williamson made a statement about vaccinations that she later apologized for.

“To me, it’s no different than the abortion debate," she said. "The U.S. government doesn't tell any citizen, in my book, what they have to do with their body or their child.”

She also called vaccine mandates “draconian” and "Orwellian."

June 20, 2019

The next day, she tweeted, “I am sorry that I made comments which sounded as though I question the validity of life-saving vaccines. That is not my feeling and I realize that I misspoke.”

June 27, 2019

Democratic Primary Debate - Harnessing Love and Calling New Zealand PM

During the Democratic primary debate sponsored by NBC News, Williamson told the audience she would harness the power of love to defeat President Donald Trump.

"So Mr. President if you’re listening, I want you to hear me please," she said. " You have harnessed fear for political purposes and only love can cast that out. So I sir, I have a feeling you know what you’re doing. I’m going to harness love for political purposes. I will meet you on that field. And sir, love will win. 

Later, she gave an unorthodox answer to a question about which issue she would take on first as president.

“My first call is to the prime minister of New Zealand, who said that her goal is to make New Zealand the place where it’s the best place in the world for a child to grow up. And I will tell her, ‘Girl friend, you are so wrong because the United States of America is going to be the best place in the world for a child to grown up.”

Williamson talks at the 4:50 mark about her first action as president

July 30, 2019

Democratic Primary Debate - 'Dark Psychic Force'

Williamson, unlike many of her competitors, tackled the issue of reparations as compensation for slavery head on during a Democratic debate sponsored by CNN.

“Well, first of all, it’s not $500 billion in financial assistance, it’s $200 to $500 billion payment of a debt that is owed. That is what reparations is. We need deep truth-telling when it comes, we don’t need another commission to look at evidence.

"We need to recognize that when it comes to the economic gap between blacks and whites in America, it does come from a great injustice that has never been dealt with," she said. "That great injustice has had to do with the fact that there was 250 years of slavery followed by another hundred years of domestic terrorism.”

Later in the debate, she tackled racism through the lens of lead-contaminated water in Flint, Michigan.

“I assure you — I lived in Grosse Pointe, what happened in Flint would not have happened in Grosse Pointe. This is part of the dark underbelly of American society. The racism, the bigotry and the entire conversation that we’re having here tonight, if you think any of this wonkiness is going to deal with this dark psychic force of the collectivized hatred that this president is bringing up in this country, then I’m afraid that the Democrats are going to see some very dark days.

Sept. 10, 2019

Fox & Friends - System 'Even More Corrupt Than I Knew'

Williamson appeared on one of Trump's favorite programs on Fox News, Fox & Friends.

“I would say that I feel that I’ve learned the system is even more corrupt than I knew, and people are even more wonderful than I hoped.”

“I have seen that on the left as on the right, there are too people who do not recognize how important honorable debate is in a democracy. You can disagree about somebody’s opinion but that doesn’t mean you should be shutting them down or lying about that.

Jan. 10, 2020

Her Letter Dropping Out - 'Love Will Prevail'

"Finally, these are not times to despair; they are simply times to rise up. Things are changing swiftly and dramatically in this country, and I have faith that something is awakening among us. A politics of conscience is still yet possible. And yes….love will prevail."

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